Promoting Research in Social Media and Health Symposium (PRISM)

Late Breaking Call for Poster Abstracts to reopen in September!
Join us at PRISM on December 10, 2024!
PRISM 2024 will be held on December 10, 2024 in San Francisco.
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Join us in San Francisco on December 10, 2024

The Promoting Research in Social Media and Health Symposium (PRISM) is one of the few symposiums dedicated to social media and health research. An all-day event that fosters a collaborative learning community, PRISM provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for participants to meet, collaborate, and advance their work. Now in its ninth year, PRISM has hosted academic researchers, industry partners, patients, and advocates from over 40 unique institutions.

We hope you join us for an exciting program of innovation and collaboration.


Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH

PRISM Co-Chair


Jon-Patrick Allem, PhD, MA

PRISM Co-Chair