August 2022 Newsletter

Save the Date!

Pre-Conference Workshop

Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Location: UCSF Mission Bay Campus, San Francisco, CA

This workshop will be a “live” mock study section. In this workshop, mock reviewers will review Specific Aims of 2-3 applicants. This session is aimed to provide feedback, and an understanding of the review process, to those actively preparing grants in social media and health. If you are interested in having your grant’s Specific Aims reviewed, please send it to [email protected] by September 16. Specific Aims will be selected for review in/at the live mock study section to reflect the breadth of methods and topics. If your Specific Aims is selected, you will be notified via email by September 30.

This workshop will have NIH Program Officers in attendance. Workshop attendees should have some familiarity with the NIH grant process and are actively preparing grants. Registration will be $50 for faculty/professionals and $20 for trainees/students. Registration is limited to 30 attendees due to venue capacity and COVID-19 safety measures.

PRISM 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Location: Fisher Banquet Room, Mission Bay Conference Center, San Francisco, CA

The Promoting Research in Social Media and Health Symposium (PRISM) is one of the few symposiums dedicated to social media and health research. An all-day event that fosters a collaborative learning environment, PRISM provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for participants to meet, collaborate, and advance their work. Now in its seventh year, PRISM has hosted academic researchers, industry partners, patients, and advocates from over 40 unique institutions. Registration will be $100 for faculty/professionals and $40 for trainees/students.


International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) 11th Scientific Meeting

Pittsburgh, PA | September 19-21, 2022
Storm Clouds and Silver Linings: How Digital Technologies Have Helped Us Weather the COVID Pandemic

Register today!

Promo flyer with the Pittsburgh skyline in the background


Data Analyst, University of Maryland

The data analyst for the Department of Epidemiology provides research support for a NIH-funded R01 project entitled “Risk and strength: determining the impact of area-level racial bias and protective factors on birth outcomes.” Under the direction of PRISM Steering Committee member, Dr. Thu Nguyen, Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the analyst will help lead publications investigating the role of area-level racial sentiment, hate speech, and racial prejudice on adverse birth outcomes and other health outcomes. The analyst must have expertise in data science as the role involves collecting, cleaning, and analyzing social media data. The analyst will help address issues related to examining the impact of area-level racial bias measured from online and social media data and adverse birth outcomes. Data sets the analyst will be working include social media data such as Twitter data and national natality files. The analyst will be part of an interdisciplinary research team and will be invited to collaborate on other components of the research project involving qualitative analysis and community-engaged research.

Apply here:


Participate in Research

Physicians at the University of California, San Francisco are running a research study to learn more effective ways to support quitting vaping. Participants can receive up to $90 to take a survey and go through a support program to quit vaping! See if you qualify:


The Interdisciplinary Association For Population Health Science (IAHPS) interviewed PRISM Steering Committee member, Dr. Thu Nguyen, in which she discusses her research and advice for scholars interested in population health and interdisciplinary research.

Large study finds link between social media and tobacco use

Source: The Associated Press/Steven Senne

PRISM Co-Chair, Dr. Jon-Patrick Allem, was featured in an article in The Hill describing his recently published meta-analysis that found a significant association between exposure to tobacco-related content on social media and past, present and future tobacco use.

Recent Social Media and Health Publications

Donaldson SI, Dormanesh A, Perez C, Majmundar A, Allem J. Association Between Exposure to Tobacco Content on Social Media and Tobacco Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatr. Published online July 11, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.2223.

PRISM Co-Chair, Dr. Jon-Patrick Allem, co-authored the first systematic review and meta-analysis on studies that examined the association between exposure to tobacco content on social media and lifetime tobacco use, past 30-day tobacco use, and susceptibility to use tobacco among never users. The total sample size across the 24 included datasets was 139,624, including 100,666 adolescents (72%), 20,710 young adults (15%), and 18,248 adults (13%). Participants who were exposed to tobacco content on social media, compared with those who were not exposed, had greater odds of reporting lifetime tobacco use (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.54-3.08; I2 = 94%), past 30-day tobacco use (OR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.79-2.67; I2 = 84%), and susceptibility to use tobacco among never users (OR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.65-2.63; I2 = 73%). Subgroup analyses showed similar associations for tobacco promotions, active engagement, passive engagement, lifetime exposure to tobacco content, exposure to tobacco content on more than 2 platforms, and exposure to tobacco content among adolescents and young adults.

Kornides ML, Badlis S, Head KJ, Putt M, Cappella J, Gonzalez-Hernadez G. Exploring content of misinformation about HPV vaccine on twitter. J Behav Med. 2022 Jul 27:1–14. doi: 10.1007/s10865-022-00342-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35896853; PMCID: PMC9328646.

This study conducted a retrospective content analysis to identify content and frequencies of occurrence of disinformation and misinformation about HPV vaccine posted on Twitter between December 15, 2019- March 31, 2020, among 3876 unique, English language #HPV Tweets, excluding retweets. It was found that 24% of Tweets contained disinformation or misinformation, and the remaining 76% contained support/education. The most prevalent categories of disinformation/misinformation were (1) adverse health effects (59%), (2) mandatory vaccination (19%), and (3) inefficacy of the vaccine (14%). Among the adverse health effects Tweets, non-specific harm/injury (51%) and death (23%) were most frequent. Disinformation/ misinformation Tweets vs. supportive Tweets had 5.44 (95% CI 5.33-5.56) times the incidence rate of retweet.

López, Gabriela, et al. “#DomesticViolence During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: An Analysis of Public Commentary via Twitter.” DIGITAL HEALTH, Jan. 2022, doi:10.1177/20552076221115024.

The current study sought to characterize commentary on Twitter regarding intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. A sample of 481 original, English-language tweets containing the hashtag #DomesticAbuse or #DomesticViolence posted from March 22 to March 27, 2020, during which many places were enacting lockdown mandates, was examined. Overall, Twitter users commented on potential increased rates of IPV, while adding details about abuse tactics that could be employed by perpetrators during the pandemic. Additionally, Twitter users disclosed personal experiences of IPV victimization. Four themes were identified: (1) type of domestic violence (i.e. whether the violence was COVID-specific or general domestic violence), (2) commentary about IPV (i.e. general reflections, decentralizing and centralizing survivorhood), (3) perpetrator tactic (i.e. abuse tactic used by the perpetrator), and (4) institutions responsible (i.e. institutions responsible for providing services to survivors).