Meredith Meacham, Ph.D., MPH
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Meredith Meacham, Ph.D., MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry. As a social scientist and epidemiologist, Dr. Meacham studies how digital tools may be used for monitoring and improving substance use and mental health outcomes. She was recently awarded a NIDA K01 grant to examine relationships between high-THC cannabis product use, adverse effects, and digital health information exchange by combining mixed-methods analysis of online forum conversations and original qualitative interviews and online survey data collection. She also serves as an online counselor and evaluator for social media-delivered smoking cessation interventions and volunteers with community-based harm reduction organizations.
Dr. Meacham completed postdoctoral training in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Services Research at UCSF after earning a Ph.D. in Global Public Health from the University of California San Diego/San Diego State University, MPH from the University of Washington, and AB from the University of Chicago.